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Volunteer Jobs

Timer (16)

As a timer you are responsible for recording the swimmer’s time. You will be provided with a stopwatch and assigned a lane; there are two timers for each lane. Both times will be recorded and the lowest time used. Timers are assigned to work for one half of the meet. Volunteering as a timer gives you the best seat to view the pool during the races! Assigned to work for one half of the meet.

Backup Timer (4)

As the backup timer, you will be given an extra stopwatch(s) in the event one of the lane timers misses the start of the race. You will stand behind the lane timers. Timers are assigned to work for one half of the meet.

Runner (3)

As a runner, you are responsible for picking up the completed event cards from the timers and judges. You will then take the cards to the result table and hand them to the coordinator inputting results. Please come prepared with good walking shoes with traction for walking on a slippery pool deck. Assigned to work for one half of the meet.

Ready Bench (4)

As a ready bench volunteer, you follow the direction of the head ready bench and are responsible for organizing the swimmers by event, heat, and lane. Your job is to ensure the swimmers arrive at the starting blocks in the correct order and on time. Your job is essential to keeping the meet on schedule. Assigned to work for one half of the meet.

Hospitality (2)

Make sure that the volunteers (runners, timers, ready bench) and the starter have water. Check once or twice during each shift. Assigned to work for one half of the meet.

Alternative (2)

While you are not assigned to a specific job, we will most likely still need assistance! Your role is to be on standby to replace any volunteer that does not show up for their shift or needs to leave before their shift has ended. Check in with the Volunteer Coordinator and stay in communication with them so you can help as needed.

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Signup Instructions for Swims and Jobs at Meets

How to Register for Jobs and Swims at a Meet:

Log in to the website. Login is found in the upper right hand corner of the screen.

If you can’t remember your password, click "Forgot your password" to reset your password.

Click on "Meets & Events" in the top navigation bar to sign up for a swim meet.

Job Signup

  • Click the green JOB SIGNUP tab and sign up for volunteer shifts (note one parent may sign up both parents for jobs -- scroll down and you’ll see the other parent listed). If you know you and your partner will not be at this meet, skip to Swimmer Signup.
  • Click Save Assignments.
  • Click Back to Signup Calendar.

Swimmer Signup

  • Click the green MEET ENTRY tab, and then click the green Edit tab under your athletes' names.
  • For each of your athletes, select an option from the drop down list next to their names.
    • (undeclared)
    • Attending
    • Not Attending
  • Select the appropriate events from the list shown.
  • Click Save to record your choices.
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